
2023年2月15日—...forcedelete),youmustusegitbranch-D:ClicktoCopy.gitbranch-Dbranch-to-delete.Todeletearemotebranch,usegitpush--delete.,,The-Doptionstandsfor--delete--force,whichdeletesthebranchregardlessofitspushandmergestatus,sobecarefulusingthisone!Deletearemote ...,2016年12月29日—Youcanforce-deleteabranchwiththefollowingcommand:gitbranch-Dtest.Byreplacing-dwith-D,youaretellinggittodeletethe ...

Delete a Git branch locally and remotely

2023年2月15日 — ... force delete), you must use git branch -D : Click to Copy. git branch -D branch-to-delete. To delete a remote branch, use git push --delete .

Delete a local and a remote GIT branch

The -D option stands for --delete --force , which deletes the branch regardless of its push and merge status, so be careful using this one! Delete a remote ...


2016年12月29日 — You can force-delete a branch with the following command: git branch -D test. By replacing -d with -D , you are telling git to delete the ...

How can I delete a remote branch in Git?

In case you are using the Tower Git client, you can simply right-click any branch item in the sidebar and choose the Delete… option to get rid of it. But even ...

How do I delete a local branch in Git?

$ git branch -D <local-branch>. This will force deletion of the branch, even if it contains unmerged / unpushed commits. It goes without saying: please be ...

How to Delete a Git Branch Both Locally and Remotely

2020年1月2日 — Use -D instead if you want to force the branch to be deleted, even if it hasn't been pushed or merged yet. The branch is now deleted locally.

How to delete a local Git branch

2023年8月30日 — Steps to delete a local Git branch · Open a Git BASH or a command prompt in the root of your Git repository. · If necessary, use the git switch or ...

How to delete remote branches in Git

... delete --force instead of -d . This will delete the branch regardless of its merge status. Deleting remote branches. To delete a remote branch, you can't use ...


2020年6月24日 — 一般用sourceTree 刪除分支時都會問你要不要force delete.